Wellness Centre


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Nutrition Suite

We are delighted to unveil our latest offering at My Health Wellness Center – comprehensive nutrition health and support services designed to empower individuals to achieve optimal well-being through personalized dietary guidance and support.

Nutrition plays a fundamental role in promoting health and preventing disease, and our team of registered dietitians and nutrition experts is committed to providing evidence-based guidance and support to help you reach your health and wellness goals.

At My Health Wellness Center, we offer a wide range of nutrition services, including:

  1. Personalized Nutrition Counseling: One-on-one consultations with a registered dietitian to assess your dietary habits, nutritional needs, and health goals, and develop a personalized nutrition plan tailored to your individual needs and preferences.
  2. Weight Management Programs: Comprehensive weight management programs designed to support sustainable weight loss or weight maintenance through a combination of dietary modifications, behavior change strategies, and lifestyle adjustments.
  3. Medical Nutrition Therapy: Specialized nutrition interventions to manage chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, gastrointestinal disorders, and food allergies, optimizing nutritional status and promoting overall health.
  4. Sports Nutrition Counseling: Tailored nutrition plans to support athletic performance, enhance recovery, and achieve fitness goals, whether you’re an elite athlete or a recreational enthusiast.
  5. Nutritional Education and Workshops: Interactive educational sessions and workshops on various nutrition topics, including healthy eating, meal planning, label reading, and mindful eating practices, to empower you to make informed dietary choices and establish lifelong healthy habits.
  6. Eating Disorder Support: Compassionate and non-judgmental support for individuals struggling with disordered eating behaviors, including binge eating disorder, bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, and orthorexia, to promote healing, recovery, and a positive relationship with food and body.

At My Health Wellness Center, we believe that nutrition is the cornerstone of health and well-being, and we are dedicated to providing you with the tools, knowledge, and support you need to nourish your body, mind, and spirit